Saturday, September 20, 2008


OMG, I managed to save $15 off my groceries today! I've been getting good about clipping and using coupons, but this week I also went through the sales circular and only added stuff to my shopping list if it was on sale and if I had a coupon for it.

I've been adopting the mentality that those 50¢ I save with a coupon just adds up with the 50¢ I save from all those the other coupons, and today they really did add up to something! Add in the $10.50 I saved with a coupon for a free body lotion from Bath & Body Works, and I saved $25 today.

If you're not sure where to start, Northern Cheapskate has some really good tips. I can also vouch for the coupons at, and you can view and print theirs right from my sidebar.

One tip I like for staying organized: I checked my coupons against my sales circular at home while watching TV, made a shopping list based off of that, and paper-clipped the coupons I was going to use to my shopping list to help me find the exact products I wanted. The rest were kept neatly in a coupon organizer that I carried with me, and when I came across an item on sale that I hadn't already pulled the coupon, I grabbed it from there.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Congrats on a great shopping experience! Glad my tips helped!