Sunday, October 12, 2008

Watch out for the coupon fairy!

Last night, I had been poking around a few frugality sides before bedtime and found this article from Freebies 4 Mom. I kind of chuckled at the idea of coupon fairies leaving behind coupons for other shoppers.

Well, I'm glad I kept my eyes open. I hadn't bought any soda this week and was just dying for a Diet Coke on my way to my weekend job. I ended up stopping at a Walgreens on my way to work, kicking myself for succumbing to my addiction enough to settle for a 20 oz. bottle that was convenient to take with me but probably cost the same as a 2-liter bottle. And I was especially unhappy to remember that the Costco two blocks away from work had vending machines selling 20 oz. bottles for 75¢, but they wouldn't be open in time for me to stop on the way to work.

Enter the Coupon Fairy. In the refrigerated beverage section were coupons for a free Hershey bar with the purchase of any 20 oz. Coca-Cola product. With the coupon for the free candy, my Diet Coke because a much better deal, and I was a lot happier.

Moral of the story? Keep your eyes peeled for coupons in unexpected places.

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